Kirk Michael s Homepage
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Welcome to Michael Kirk's Homepage
**This website will no longer be updated with course assignments. Please use the Google Classroom code given to you in class (also written below) to access course assignments and materials.**
Classroom Codes for 2021-2022 will be Posted here Right Before the Start of the New School Year
First go to and then enter the code to join your class
School: Murray Avenue
Room(s) Assignment: Room 209 Class Assignment: 7th and 8th Grade Social Studies Phone: Extension 3209 Email: 2021/2022 School Year I look forward to starting my tenth year in Lower Moreland! I am excited to meet all of you and I look forward to having a successful school year together! Do not hesitate to e-mail me if you have any questions. **This website will no longer be updated with course assignments. Please use the Google Classroom code given to you in class to access course assignments and materials.** |
Some of my Favorite Places!